The WHEB Annual Conference with Kingsmill Bond from the Rocky Mountain Institute.
As 2023 drew to a close, I had the very good fortune to attend what proved to be the best investor conference of the year. WHEB is an impact fund manager and a long term constituent of the Key to the Future model portfolio. WHEB was riding high on the day. They had just learned that the FCA’s final policy document for the new SDR (Sustainability Disclosure Regulations) had substantially taken in their feedback for the design of the Sustainability Impact label. This paves the way for them to be able to apply for a Sustainable Impact label under the FCA’s new SDR (Sustainability Disclosure Regulations). This was a good day too, for those attending their annual conference, held at the headquarters of the Royal Institute of British Architects in London.
Kingsmill Bond CFA was a serendipitous last minute stand-in speaker at the conference. I regret that I’d never heard of him or the Rocky Mountain Institute. In a sea of truly exemplary presentations, his was in my view, the best, evidentially demonstrating why sustainable and impact driven investment is a financial imperative that will continue to completely overtake fossil fuel based investment and why the underperformance of the last two years is literally a painful short term blip in a journey that is systemically financially irrepressible.
Before Kingsmill became a finance professional he trained as an historian. He told the audience: “this is a story we’ve seen so many times, and one of the reasons it’s such a shock to the current people running the fossil fuel system is that they have no sense of historical change, they’ve only ever dealt with an ever rising demand for fossil fuels. Well guys, this has happened many times before…before cars we had horses…before electric lighting we had gas lighting and before steam ships we had sailing ships, so the point is that technology shifts happen all the time and they often happen in this X shaped pattern where the old stuff falls as the new stuff rises.”

If you’re an investor in the Key to the Future, or just interested in your continued future on this planet, then this will be an illuminating and stimulating presentation followed by an interesting Q&A. 40 minutes well spent.
I’m not sure if a risk warning is appropriate at this point, but just to be on the safe side, you need to understand that this article and the associated videos are not promotions for any investment or service. They are for information only. Investment returns are not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise. You should always seek professional regulated advice before making any investment decisions. Many thanks to WHEB for sharing their content via YouTube.